Happy New Year! Dominick & I spent some time this past fall camping with his scout troop. In November we camped in tents. It had been a really looOooong time since I had camped out in the cold & it was Dominick’s first time doing so. In early December we had another campout in which we stayed in the cabins, cooked two turkeys in trashcans and invited our families to join us for a Thanksgiving meal. There was a lot of snow & mud at Camp Tuscarora – so just getting the family up to the camp was an adventure all its own! Dominick also had Winter Camp in late December. I was extremely proud of him for camping in a tent for 3 nights in the winter and doing it without me! (busy time of year for financial advisors).

Now that X-country has wrapped up for Gracie, she has been very active in both the robotics club and the science club at school. The kid is a natural student and seems to be really thriving at her new school environment!
Annie had to make a totem pole for one of her school assignments. It was to have at least 3 symbols or figures that represented some of Annie’s strengths. She asked me for help. Yeah – that was her mistake – because things got complicated from there. We ended up 3D printing 6 low poly figures out of wood-based filament to construct her totem pole. As we suspected – she was the only one that brought in a 3D printed totem pole. And yes, she ended up getting an “A” on the project!

Sophie is as cute as ever & keeps us all very entertained with her keen sense of observation, humor and her over-developed vocabulary for a 5-year-old…