The Williamsons: Ah – So little space to cover so much!
Gracie turned 13 in February & the transition to the teen years has NOT been nearly as smooth as her transition to middle school! Gracie & her friend won first place for the physical science division of the science fair! Way to go Gracie! She also won a couple of S.A.I.N.T awards (Latin & Social Studies) which are for academic strength & Christian qualities in the school environment.
Sophie is officially a reader! The kid went from zero (not reading/no interest) at the beginning of 2022 to 60 (reading chapter books) in no time flat. She is incredibly patient & persistent. I’m sure those qualities will benefit her greatly in her future! Sophie also got a special silver tooth (cap) in her mouth. Now she is the envy of the school – as she has some “chrome” on her front end!
Dominick finished up the basketball season. It was a short season – but he really had fun and made a lot of improvement this year. He has been camping a lot – and stayed outside one night when it was below 20° F. He is becoming a hardy youth!
Annie has been crafting, coloring and baking up a storm! She helped bake Gracie’s birth cake (chocolate mousse moose cake) and quiet frequently makes the family dessert in the evening – by herself! If you would like to read more about our family adventures & see more pictures – check out our blog @ www.TheParenthoodAdventures. Be advised – we do have advertisements & affiliate links on our websites.