March 3rd, 2019: Time with Gigi, Blue & Gold dinner & altar servers.
Wow – Busy weekend for the Williamsons! We started the weekend on Friday with a walk in the mall. I usually walk about 2 1/2 miles every morning on my way to work – but was unable to do so because of an appointment. So before we ate dinner we all went (yes – all 6 of us) to the mall and did the walk. I usually walk at a very brisk pace. Needless to say, we walked at a slightly slower pace…. Still good – got the blood moving a little for everyone. Also a little different experience for me – because most of the time I am there and done before the stores open.
After that we had dinner @ Wegmans (grocery store with a dining area). Nothing fancy – but hey – we are not really ready for dinner any place nice yet! So it was kind of like a dinner out – on training wheels. Everyone was pretty well behaved – and there was no thrown food (ok – the bar is set pretty low)! Melani had to get a few grocery items after – so I took the kids to the book & toy isle. We had a lot of fun there with Sophie! She enjoyed seeing some of her Sesame Street friends (figurines) and books with her favorite animals (giraffes, lambs and froggies). She has always been good about putting everything back when she is done – and hasn’t been one to demand we buy her something. Thank you Sophie!
On Saturday – I took Annie to a classmate’s birthday party mid-morning. It was a party at a local movie theater – so I stayed with her. We realized when we were there that is was only the second movie Annie has ever seen in a theater. We saw Ralph Breaks the Internet – which is a sequel to the Wreck It Ralph movie of 2012. It was a lot better than I expected – and had some humor that I am sure went over many of the kids’ heads!
On Saturday evening we had the Boy Scouts Blue & Gold Dinner for Dominick. A little nicer setting than Wegmans the night before for sure – but everyone still managed to keep it together for the most part. Ok – maybe there was a little singing and dancing in the corner by Sophie – but no crying or melt downs! I guess the dry run the night before seemed to help prepare everyone for the nicer and slightly more formal dinner. Sooner-or-later Sophie is going to let me record her singing. Right now she gets all shy if I try. But I will get her…. She is really good!
On Sunday – the kids head off to religious education first thing in the morning and then we have mass right after. We have been trying to get the Gracie & Dominick trained as altar servers – but it hasn’t happened yet – because we missed the scheduled training over the summer while we were on vacation. So last week they had some quick informal training with one of the senior altar boys. We were to call the church office to schedule them to observe (the next step) – but the call didn’t get made. So when I noticed there were only 3 altar servers milling around before mass – I took the kids back to the sanctuary and Father said they could suit up in the cassocks and observe. So we hurriedly got Gracie & Dominick dressed and they participated and observed – while on the altar. I was so proud of them. I grew up being an altar boy – and have always enjoyed being involved in the mass (for many years before I was married I also ushered). I wish I had a picture – but I will get one in the coming weeks.
After a quick pit-stop at home – Gracie, Annie and I headed out to Seton Catholic High School for the annual Parents versus Students basketball game (Gracie to play – Annie to watch). I had no idea what to expect – but was pleasantly surprised by the entire experience! The parents put on a good show – despite the very biased officiating (very funny – the ref had no intention of letting the parents walk away with a win!). But at the end of the day – we came up 1 point shy of a victory. I had 8 points and was called for goal tending once. Gracie played well and did a great job of dribbling and passing – but no baskets. Basically – whenever our kid was in – we could play. It was a lot of fun – and it was great to see the kids play hard and be rewarded with a win! In the picture I am the one with the green shirt with the star on it and Gracie is right in front of me with the number 12 on her jersey. There was a little party afterwards and strategies were discussed for next year’s game by us parents….
Gracie got changed at the school and then we shot over to her girl scout troop meeting. Since Annie was still with us – she and I got to spend some nice one-on-one time at Best Buy and get a little geek fix! Great to spend some time with that happy and energetic little girl!

While Gracie, Annie and I were running all over the place – Melani and Sophie had to take Dominick to a classmate’s birthday party and they also visited my 97 year old Grandmother. Apparently that was the place to be – I heard everyone had a lot of fun and Gigi did a great job of captivating the Sophie with her stories!
Busy, but wonderful weekend with the family! I hope yours was great too!