Anniversaries, Soccer Finales & Sophie Sayings
It was a big catch-up weekend as we prepare for vacation soon – and it seems at least two of my musings relate to significant periods of time passing since a watershed event….
Vacation Bible School
The kids had Vacation Bible School every night this week – so Melani and I used the time to really get some work done around the house and to de-clutter a little!

We were very proud of Gracie for volunteering with her good friend Lea to be the dance leaders this year! They both did a wonderful job – and people were commenting on how the dance participation was so much better this year – having dance leaders to try to get everyone more enthusiastic!
10 Years & Half an Inch!
We had a lot of construction done on our house right before Gracie was born. We were out of the house for a couple of months while the work was being done and got back in the house literally one night before Gracie was born!
After the construction crews left – there was still a lot of work to be done. One of the unfinished items was a large step / landing on the back patio that needed to be modified. The step / landing rock was laying on our patio for a full 10 years before being returned to it’s rightful place -just this past weekend!
The rock step / landing is roughly 3 feet x 3 feet and probably weighs between 250 – 300 pounds. Because of the new siding – It was about 1/2 inch too long to fit back in its position as the top step / landing going down to the patio.
Well – it finally made it to the top of the list yesterday – so I got out the circular saw with the masonry blade and lopped off that measly half an inch! After doing so (and asking Melani to call my nephew Garrett to come over and help me hoist it back into position) I commented to Melani that the rock had laid there for a full 10 years – because of just half an inch! Unbelievable – but such is my life….
It made me wonder – why and how did this happen??? I’m sure that the birth of multiple children over the intervening 10 years might have had something to do with it. Or maybe it was because I spent a lot of time painting right after the construction? Or maybe working on the drainage around the house, or building rock walls and sandboxes for the kids, or fixing stuff that they so expertly break…. Regardless – it made me realize just how quickly the time seems to go by sometimes – despite trying to really appreciate every moment and live in the present….

It was the kids’ last soccer game for the spring season this past weekend. The season was extended for a couple of weeks due to the weather not co-operating on a couple of Saturdays. Gracie and Dominick played @ 9:00 am and Annie played @ 11:00 am. So I did get to see them all play.
Dominick believes in big finales – and put on quite a show! He scored 5 goals! He also got to have a little taste of what it feels like to be on the other side of the scoring. After he got a couple of goals for his team the coach put him in as goal (definitely not Dominick’s strong suite) and the other team scored a goal against him. Seems that using his hands feels very unnatural to him when he is on the soccer field!
Gracie had two goals – and played well. She and Dominick were passing a little bit between the tow of them – but not as much as I would like to see. It was great to see Gracie finish strong! She definitely seems to play better / more aggressively when the weather is a little cooler.
Annie really should have had 2 goals – but one of the assistants for the other team played goalie for a stretch – and one of Annie’s better shots got denied during one of those stretches! So she ended up getting only the one goal, I was proud of the overall level of concentration and aggression she showed throughout the game! Amazing change from the girl that didn’t even want to play a couple of years ago!
Sophie Sayings!
One evening this past week Melani, Sophie and I were sitting on the couch together – when all of a sudden Sophie informed me that “Daddy, Annie is on my poop list today“. I was a little surprised, and humored – but quickly realized that the incredible knowledge sponge that is Sophie – must of picked up on that from me. I have been known to say such things to the kids on occasion. I was just quite surprised to hear it come from her mother so matter-of-factly!
The kid is a regular comedy show! Every day she makes us laugh!

Today is Melani and my 14th wedding anniversary! Wow – hard to believe it has been that long already!

When we first got married and were on the honeymoon people would often ask us how long we had been married. I would usually tell them the exact number of days (let’s say 11). But then – ever the aspiring comedian – I would tell them “yeah – but it feels like 22 days!”

Well, at this point – it is hard to believe it has been that long – and it is definitely no laughing matter! And no – it does NOT feel like 28 years! Heck – 14 years is even longer than my ENTIRE college career! (not my entire academic career – mind you – but 4 years longer than my college career!)

Would i do it again?

Oh – I definitely do kid around a lot and tease her – but Melani is easily the best thing that has ever happen to me!

Thank you for saying “yes” Melani – I love you and the wonderful family that we’ve created together!