Sophie’s first trip to the Christmas tree farm, Dominick works on “The Egg Crash Project” and my “helpers” attend the company Christmas party!
Christmas Tree
We usually start thinking about getting the Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving – but as the kids get a little older and are involved in more activities – it gets a little harder to actually GET to the tree farm to get the tree!
We like to cut our own tree down (You can read why here: First Quarter 2008)- and prefer to do so when there is snow on the ground. We really WANTED to get it last weekend – but were booked up for all the daylight hours on both Saturday & Sunday.
So this year I took the 2 youngest to get the tree with me – Annie and Sophie. It was Sophie’s first time on this annual ritual. She was pretty good – but after just a few minutes of walking she wanted me to carry her. I tried to explain that I would be carrying the Christmas tree in just a few minutes – but she was unrelenting! Soon enough we found the tree and got it cut down and in the back of the minivan. Mission accomplished!
Company Christmas Party

The kids usually give me “helpers” to go to work with and sit on my desk. I made a point of taking my helpers of the day down to the company Christmas party right before it began – because I knew it would make the kids happy.
Here they are on the conference room table during the time my assistant Linda was just laying out the trays. Fortunately, they were all well behaved! One never knows how well they will co-operate – since they are animals, after all!
Christmas Tree Stand Preparation

Many years ago – after we had just gotten the floors re-done – we had an issue with a Christmas tree stand leaking. We thought the floor was ruined – but fortunately, we caught on to the issue before it did any permanent damage.
Since then we have devised a method to ensure that the same thing does not happen again! As you can see the stand itself reside inside a thick plastic bag which sits on a towel which is on top of yet another thick plastic bag.
Since it is sometimes difficult to tell just how much water is in the stand – it does tend to overflow sometimes. One year I took the stand out – and there must have been about a gallon of water in the bag! Better in the bag than on the floor!!

Egg Crash Project

Dominick has an egg crash project at school this week. Objective – for the egg to survive the crash. We left this to later than we should of before starting it – so it was a little bit of scramble to get it done. We will see how Mr. Eggie fares in the crash. We will keep you posted.

We used some balloons in ensuring Mr. Eggie’s safety for Dominick’s Egg Crash Project. Sophie managed to get her hands on one. When we saw the face on the balloon we really thought someone else helped her. We finally realized that the face was drawn by her – she was so proud of herself she went off running and squealing with delight!