Wow! As the whole world wrestles with this corona virus thing – many lives are going to be impacted! We just found out that the kids’ school is going to be closed for an entire MONTH! Unfortunately for Melani – this is my busy time of year (made worse by the recent extreme volatility we are seeing in the stock market), so I won’t be able to help her as much as I would like.
I know there is a lot of concern – but with the kids, I think we have to be careful how we react to all this and we need to show them we can be calm, cautious and strong throughout this ordeal. We sat them down the other day and told them that this will be a new adventure for us all – and we are going to do our best to make it a positive & fun one!
We laid out some goals for this time as we wait to see how much distance learning the school is going to be implementing. We already do a lot of “home schooling” and this really only means that we will have more time to cover additional projects and lessons ourselves.
Each of the kids has a grade-level academic workbook at the house that they need to work in to earn Internet time with their devices, and we have always been able to find a lot of great educational videos on YouTube. They can expect more of the same.
I am actually looking forward to the slower pace of life and fewer outside activities for the month. I’m sure it will give us a little more quality time with the kids – rather than just constantly shuttling them from one activity to another….
Odyssey of the Mind
Annie & Dominick have been preparing for months for the Odyssey of the Mind competition that was planned for this past weekend. Late last week they found it was cancelled because of this corona virus scare. So the coaches of the three All Saints teams got together and decided that the teams would perform their skits for the other teams and all the parents. So that is what they did on Saturday morning. Of course there was some disappointment – but it was a far better solution than the kids having NO performance!

An amazing amount of energy and effort went into all three skits – and it was wonderful to see them all do a great job! A big thank you to all the coaches too – for all their time and effort they invested in this as well!

I have been spending sometime preparing for the 2020 version of Chip’s Epic Easter Egg & Treasure Hunt! I try to do something a little different every year for the kids. I spend WAY too much time doing this every year – but I know that they really enjoy it and have a lot of fun! If you didn’t get to see last year’s hunt – you can find it here.

Remember to wash your hands & not touch your face!