I’ve made no secret about the fact that we have been enjoying the slower pace of life during the great quarantine of 2020! But things are just starting back up – and over the last 2 – 3 weeks we have ventured out several times. We’ve had a couple of scouting events and family picnics. It’s been great to see other people again – but we are somewhat reluctant to abandon this less hectic lifestyle…..
We routinely make up new games in this family! The other night we created a new game we like to call popcorn! The kids have some of those hippity hop balls from several years ago. They have not gotten played with too much the last couple of years – but with more time on their hands, and a trampoline in the back yard – they have become popular again!
So I was on the trampoline and the kids were spread out around it on the ground. I had them try to throw those balls in – and I would have to do my best to not let any touch the trampoline. Pretty difficult with three of them spanning the full 360 degrees around the trampoline! So we modified the game and made it that I needed to prevent all three of the balls from landing on the trampoline at the same time. A lot of work and exercise for everyone! At times it looked a little like volleyball – but there were three balls bouncing all around – sometimes even getting stuck in the trees. A lot of fun – but also exhausting!
We finally got the garden planted! It’s always interesting in the spring to see what is growing in there from being planted in the previous years. This year we had some lettuce popping up from being planted a previous year.

Fathers’ Day
Melani is really making people feel appreciated – me included! I asked her not to do too much – but she still did. Everyone cooperated in the morning to put on a really nice AND healthy breakfast! They were up before me – and I was shocked at how quiet everyone was!

They also made some really nice and creative cards for me too! I really didn’t do much – other than watch mass with everyone in the morning, water the lawn and garden – and spend some time in the hammock reading – which is what I was really looking forward to! So Thank you Melani, Gracie, Dominick, Annie and Sophie – for making Fathers’ Day a very special one this year!
Summer Slow Down (Even More So!)
With the summer months – I typically slow down (not stop) on the blogging a little – so don’t be surprised. there are just so many things to do outside that it is hard to spend the time in front of a computer! I usually pick back up when the kids start back at school.
Summer Dailies
We are trying a variant of what we have done in the past to maintain forward progress and some sort of structure (& sanity) during the summer months! I tell the kids they should accomplish each of these items 5 days of the week. I created a shared Google Sheet for them to check off their accomplishments on a daily basis – so we can track their progress. Those demonstrating the most discipline will be handsomely rewarded at the end of the summer. And yes – Melani & I have our own lists as well! You can see the kids’ list here: Kids’ Accomplishments (Scroll down to the end of the page).
Enjoy the nicer weather!