We finally did it! We have owed Melani & Dominick a Mother – Son day for over a year now – and we finally delivered on doing it for them. Last year we did our own Father – Daughter Ball, rather than the one put on by the school. Melani & Dominick were instrumental in pulling that off! We (me & the girls) were supposed to return the favor and do the Mother – Son Day right after that – but it never actually happened until the Fourth of July this year.

So Gracie & Annie were a really big part of pulling this off. We transformed our back yard into a number of stations for Melani & Dominick to perform various tasks or play various games. We had put a lot of thought into the day in the weeks leading up to it – and the preparation & planning definitely paid off.
Here was our plan – and although our timetable was a little ambitious (read that as – things took longer than expected) – we pretty much stuck to this (or at least the order of it)!

Everyone had a lot of fun & I was very glad we finally made this happen! Below you can see some of the pictures from our day.

Worthy Mentions
Annie & I were able to pull out a win on the wheelbarrow race – but just barely! Someone stayed in the “ready” position a little too long before the race actually started – and her arms got tired half-way through the race.
Everyone was obsessed with the fire making! We had a couple of magnesium rods – and a few small fires were successfully lit – but only momentarily. We all need to work on this a little more.
Dominick did a great job of taking the lead on a number of activities – and providing a little tutelage to Melani. Specifically – the tire inflate activity, tent setup, the compass navigation, the fire starting, and, of course, the Rubik’s Cube solve!
The tent setup took Melani & Dominick 17 minutes & 55 seconds. We wanted to record that – so we could compare it to next year!
Survivor Auction proved to be the favorite activity again! Not surprising – in that it is something that we have done from time-to-time and is always popular with the kids!


That schedule made the day sound like so much fun! I love the thought that went into each activity. I seem to remember that putting a tent up is a bit of a struggle singlehandedly, but taking it down is the easy part. 🙂
You guys are awesome!!!! Sally Herceg