I know it must seem that I am less active in my blogging lately – but actually I have been diligently working on building and posting on the other blog / niche websites that we have created. That, and being an active & involved father, plus a few house projects – really takes a lot of time!
So please be patient with me/us and if you are so inclined – consider supporting us – at no cost to you – by clicking on an ad if you find it of any interest. Or maybe check out our “Stuff We Like” page. If you happen to see anything there of interest, click on a link and buy something on Amazon – we get a modest commission. Thank you!
Last Day of School
Ah…. the end of the school year! I’m happy that the kids have the time off and that I am freed up a little in the morning (from running everyone to school) , but I do recognize that it makes things considerably more difficult for Melani!
Great report cards from the kids! Regardless – we still have them do some workbook pages and have reading time everyday. We think it pays dividends to have them keep their minds active during the summer and to maintain some discipline!
They are looking forward to summer and some of the activities and trips we have planned!
Music Recital
The 6th grade does not typically participate in the spring concert – but rather do a class play or musical. So only Dominick, Annie and Sophie performed at the concert. The following week the 6th grade performed their play – which I cover below.
The concert was good – but a little weird. It is harder to hear those beautiful little voices when they are still wearing masks!
Gracie’s 6th Grade Play – “The Day the Internet Died!”
Gracie was one of the lead characters in her class play last month. We were so proud of the composure she displayed as the town mayor in the play “The Day The Internet Died”. It was a short comedy – that definitely resonated with both the sixth graders and their parents! As you can guess from the title – the plot revolves around what would happen if the Internet went down for a few days…. Arghhhh the tragedy! Boy! How did we ever grow up without the Internet!
Gracie’s Graduation
Gracie graduated from 6th grade! Wohoo! Starting next year – she will be riding with me down to Binghamton every morning to attend Seton. That will really affect my schedule – by bringing me into work earlier, as well as requiring me to be leaving earlier. But as always, we will adjust!
Sophie’s Graduation
Sophie also had graduation this year – graduating from preschool. She gave a wonderful valedictorian speech – that was both inspiring & thought provoking. OK – maybe there wasn’t actually any class valedictorian – but if there was – I’m sure that kid would be the top contender! There is an awful lot of personality trapped inside that tiny little body!
Penn Yan
On Memorial Day we took a little trip to Penn Yan – through Montour Falls and Watkins Glenn. We figured that we always head into summer with ambitious plans for traveling – and, unfortunately, sometimes we don’t get it done with all the other things competing for our time. So we wanted to start the summer off by taking a trip right away!
We had intended on going up on FRIDAY – but the weather had other plans. Monday ended up being the nicest day of the long holiday weekend – so that is when we ventured up there.
There was quite a bit of rain over the weekend – which was good for the waterfalls! Penn Yan is a quaint little town – but most of it was closed on Monday – since it was a holiday….
Still – a very nice little trip. I really do like to get off the beaten path and enjoy the smaller towns and villages around us!
Dominick – Boy Scouts
Dominick bridged over and is no longer a Webelo – but rather a Boy Scout now! We’re proud of him for sticking with the scouting program – as we feel it helps to teach and reinforce a lot of valuable life skills. Later in July we have a week-long camping trip @ Camp Tuscarora with the Boy Scouts. I’m hoping it is a fun and rewarding experience for both of us!
Mother Daughter Tea
The Mother – Daughter Tea is usually done at the school – but, you guessed it – the Corona virus disrupted those plans this year and everyone had to adapt. So some stuff was supplied and the Tea was done at home. Simple, different – but still fun for Mealni, Gracie & Annie.

Mothers’ Day / Fathers’ Day
I think Mothers’ / Fathers’ Day is getting better every year – as the kids are able to do more of the food preparation and cleaning up themselves! We both felt appreciated on our respective days. My thanks, especially to Melani, as I actually got to use and enjoy the hammock they bought me last year for most of Father’s Day! I enjoyed it, a couple of naps and reading my book….
Wow! I can’t believe it has been so long since I did an Adventure Update – so long ago that since the last one we had some wintery weather and were actually sledding! I’m including this – since it did occur after my last update – and because I was so proud of Sophie for being so brave and independent with the sledding! Melani & I really couldn’t believe she was so enthusiastic and brave!
Here is some of the artwork the kids have created over the last several months.