The other day I was getting ready to head into the office and Sophie was carrying around an orange “cheeseburger” bath bomb. Three of her favorite things right there – the color orange, cheeseburgers and baths. She informed me that mommy told her she could take a bath after I left for work.
So at one point during my morning routine she was getting a little exasperated with me taking me so long to get on my way. So she looked right at me and told me “I love you daddy – now go to work!”
Clearly – I had exhausted her patience!
Easter / Easter Egg & Treasure Hunt 2020
This was the second year that I did the Easter Egg & Treasure Hunt with no involvement from Melani – so she could be one of the participants! The kids said it was the best one I’ve done so far!
The theme this year was GPS (Global Positioning System) & encryption. I had about 25 GPS co-ordinate clues to famous world landmarks – and those were inside the initial eggs they had to find. The kids (& Melani) had to figure out what each of them was and then use some of the highlighted letters to figure out the location. But to do that they had to first correctly order the highlighted letters and then realize that the code was actually encrypted with a simulated Enigma device online!
Hey – I ASKED them if they wanted the whole hunt to be easy or challenging – and they unanimously chose challenging! So I delivered!
Well – there was a series of something like 6 or 7 additional clues – that eventually lead them to the treasure – which was located under my mother-in-law’s grill.
It took the family about 4 hours to solve my puzzles – and me – only about 20 hours to put it all together! (and a partial explanation of why I have not been as good about posting here on the blog lately…)

Easter Egg & Treasure Hunt 2020. The circle in the middle is the take- off & landing pad.
Oh – and just in case you aren’t completely convinced we are nerds yet – I did film a little of the initial egg hunt from Gracie’s drone! (before I ran out of storage space on the SD card….)
Isolation & Home Schooling
Honestly, I am very impressed with how well everyone is doing so far with this self-isolation and home schooling! Melani continues to do a wonderful job managing the kids and getting their school work , and workbook assignments completed.

The novelty of the Zoom meetings appears to be wearing off at this point – and the virtual Zoom conferences & meetings are becoming a little more tedious…
We continue to take the isolation seriously – and are finding “curbside pickup” at the grocery stores to be a wonderful service! Melani takes care of the online ordering – and I just swing by the store on my way home from work. I don’t have to go into the store for anything – and Melani pays for the groceries and everything online.
Last week they did screw up the order a little and one of our bags was missing – and we had one of someone else’s bags. Of course “We” (read that as me) didn’t realize that until I got home. So the store was good about crediting us back for our missing groceries – and allowed us to keep the other bag that wasn’t ours (NOT stuff we would ordinarily get – bratwurst, cream cheese and cottage cheese…)


Dominick turned 10 this past week! Wow! Hard to believe we have TWO in double digits now!


Homeschool recess looks relaxing! Glad you are having fun and staying safe. 🙂
Thank you Jaya – you stay safe & healthy too!
You guys are great!!!!! Keep up with all the good “stuff”!