Adventure Update #014: Umm…. Who’s Using the Water Dispenser?
Also noteworthy about Dominick this week - the boy managed to get in trouble at school this week - get this - for READING too much.
Inspired parents sharing the joys & adventures of the parenthood journey!
Inspired parents sharing the joys & adventures of the parenthood journey!
What we have been up to lately…. This is my virtual scrapbook of our adventures & journey together as a family! I usually do about 1 post per week.
Also noteworthy about Dominick this week - the boy managed to get in trouble at school this week - get this - for READING too much.
Goodbyes, Spring Concerts & Soccer!
May 20th, 2019: Releasing butterflies, digging ditches, squishy toy phobias & celebrating birthdays! Thursday I left work a little early – so Melani & I could go to the DMV to get our Enhanced Licenses – in preparation for our…
Family quiz night, cooking with the kids for Mothers' Day weekend & a little horseback riding. I hope all the mothers out there got some extra love & appreciation from their families!
Weekend of Annie's First Communion, first bike ride with the kids and a bird's egg (pterodactyl?) in the house!