We hope this Thanksgiving season finds you in good health and spirits. We wanted to try something new this year and thought that a brief update on our practice and personal lives might be of interest to you!
From the practice standpoint we are proud to celebrate our two-year anniversary as a group as of October 1st. In January all three of us will be attending the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. This is an AXA subsidized advanced education on the economics and psychology of the baby boomer wave of retirees that is about to hit the United States. We will study how this phenomenon will affect everything from the stock market to social security and real estate. AXA has sharply defined the “At Retirement” market as one of its key niches and this is just one example of putting its wallet behind what it believes will be a lucrative market for us. Look for more news on this after we complete our training!
The Williamsons:

Melani and I celebrated our one year anniversary in Niagara Falls this past July and we are still learning to live with each other’s idiosyncrasies (Why must all our food have hot sauce on it and why is almost everything in the house now pink?). We have at this point also seen some of the up and downs of owning a house. We are having fun making some improvements and decorating – but I seriously don’t know how people who own houses, let alone have kids, actually have any freetime. If something isn’t breaking, then it’s the lawn that needs mowing….(Frank – I need a quote on how much it would be to pave my entire back yard, and maybe the front one too!).
Melani is still teaching 4th grade at Glenwood Elementary in Vestal. Hard to believe it is already her 7th year teaching. On a professional development note – I will be pursuing the CFP© designation in 2007 – just one more factor competing for the illusive luxury I used to call “Free-Time”. As most of you know – I spent a little extra time in school (back in the day) and am hoping the transition into part-time student mode is not too difficult!
On a sad note, Melani’s father passed away unexpectedly this spring. Thank you all for the sympathy cards and your thoughts & prayers. He was certainly a great man that will be deeply missed. I keep encouraging Melani to take a positive from this tragedy. Her father was very good at focusing on what was important in life – his family & friends. It seemed to me that he lived each day as his last and he didn’t get caught-up in the unimportant “noise” of everyday life. We all knew, through his ever-present kind words, generous actions and encouragement just how much he cared and loved us. If we can follow his example his spirit will indeed live on with us and we will be better and happier people.

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