The Williamsons:
Most of you are aware that Melani and I are expecting our first child in the beginning of February. That alone is enough to cause some serious anxiety and apprehension. But we seem to be people that tend to aggregate major life stressors together over short periods of time.
In November we started a house project to replace the almost 70-year-old windows in our house and have new siding put on. Unfortunately some structural and plumbing issues were discovered in our kitchen that resulted in the entire kitchen being gutted. Yup – I know what you’re thinking – you have a baby arriving in about two weeks and you have no kitchen!? Yes. We have been out of the house for 8 weeks at this point and we are very anxious to get back home. Melani’s mother hosted us for a few weeks and for the last few weeks we have been at my grandmother’s house. They have both been wonderful and gracious hosts.
Melani has been surprisingly calm while our contractors, family and friends have all pitched in to try to get us back into the house before the blessed event. (I THINK we are going to make it!) Melani is getting a little nervous about childbirth. I try to be understanding, and offered to endure it for her if it were possible (does that sound like a hollow offer or what?) – but I really don’t understand the big deal. After all – billions of people (or I guess to be more precise – women) have gone through this before without a hitch. It seems to me that I am the one that has something to really fear. I have a buddy (Scott) who admirably and dutifully held his wife’s hand the entire time she was in labor and he suffered two dislocated fingers! Ouch! We will keep you posted.

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