The Williamsons:
Christmas morning started at the crack of dawn at the Williamson house with excited cries of joy, the scampering of stocking feet down the steps, and frantic tearing of wrapping paper. After about 10 minutes of chaos, and one minor collision involving a Barbie Corvette and a slinky, Melani and I realized we forgot to bring Gracie down from her crib! The picture above was taken a few days before Christmas – and we call it the “I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus” picture. But, truth be told, it was the pre-flash red eye reduction that startled the little girl and not some white-bearded jolly old large man in a redsuit! Regardless, I thought it was a priceless expression. It was a very memorable Christmas having a little one scampering around the tree.
Gracie is crawling all around and pulling herself up into a standing position. It won’t be long before she is walking – and that scares me because I have a lot of child-proofing to do! She is also babbling a mile a minute (definitely gets that from her mother’s side) and waving hello and goodbye. As I alluded to in the last newsletter, we are in fact expecting number 2 in April. This really scares me – because I have been somewhat successful in avoiding changing many diapers (Okay, Okay – I still haven’t changed a single one!). But I have serious concerns about keeping this winning streak intact with there being two in diapers. I have also drawn the admiration of many male friends and acquaintances (and the envy of others) because of my many diaper changing avoidance strategies. So I am appealing to all of you for suggestions on how to continue being a diaper-free dad when number 2 comes around!

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