The Williamsons:
This year we went to see Santa at a local business that was sponsoring the jolly old elf. All the kids sat on Santa’s lap and told him what they wanted for Christmas. Gracie actually went a little further. Gracie had made a stocking at school – the teachers gave the students store advertisements to cut out pictures of items they wanted and then they each glued them onto their stocking. Gracie figured she would be a lot less likely to forget something if she just brought her stocking with her to SHOW Santa what she wanted rather than trying to remember everything, on-the-spot! That girl is certainly a thinker! I tried to convince Dominick to ask Santa for an undefeated season for Syracuse men’s basketball – but he passed on that idea (he better not end up being a Georgetown fan…). I even tried to sit on Santa’s lap myself and make the request – but strangely enough – both Melani and the helper elves, a little too forcefully I might say, discouraged me from doing so….
Despite this almost incident at the establishment, Santa did still visit the Williamson children, and delivered most of their high-priority gift requests. In fact, we were all quite surprised that my favorite gift from last year – an IP security camera – actually CAUGHT Santa in the act of delivering the goods to our house in the wee hours of the morning! Checkout our YouTube channel if you are interested in seeing the proof positive that Santa is alive and well and visited our house on Christmas Eve. Just search for chipomite or type in (OR just click here: Proof Santa Is Real!). Little Annie had the privilege of being the one to put baby Jesus in the manger scene at my Grandmother’s house this year on Christmas Eve. She did an excellent job! Happy New Year to all!
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