As 2020 fades into the rearview mirror – there are some lessons and aspects of this past year that we will be looking to carrying into the future with us. Yes, we are looking forward to being able to do some of the things that we really haven’t in the past year – but 2020 helped us rediscover how enjoyable a slower lifestyle with more family time can be!

That being said, we certainly did miss seeing the kids playing their sports. There were really only a few practices for both soccer and basketball before everything was shut down – and there weren’t even any practices for lacrosse.
We had a quiet Thanksgiving with Melani’s mother – and an even quieter Christmas – all by ourselves!
I have been challenging the kids with some technical projects over the last several months. They have learned how to manipulate images and remove backgrounds – and also insert people into pictures where they really weren’t. Useful skills? I don’t know for sure – but it has been fun and interesting!

We also spent part of the Autumn “recycling” some possessions. We had a bunch of items, some baby related, that the Salvation Army wouldn’t take. So rather than just trash them – we sold them on Facebook marketplace. It’s hard to believe that there are things I can’t GIVE away – but people will come to my house, pay us for the items and then take them away for us…. Baffling – but hey – it’s been a really strange year in many ways!
