The Williamsons:
A little over a year ago I wrote about the two miscarriages Melani and I suffered through in 2007 in one of our quarterly newsletters. Those were certainly dismal days for us, but we pushed on. Today, I am happy to share with you that Melani is pregnant once again and this time we are 23 weeks into the pregnancy as I write this. So we are cautiously optimistic that the third time will be a charm for us and we appreciate all your continued prayers and support.
This dramatic turn of events over the course of a little more than a year makes me reflect on the cycles of life (and the markets) and the need to appreciate and respect both the peaks and the valleys. From time-to-time I take a look in the rear-view mirror at the ups and downs in my own life to try to gain a little perspective. When times are bad – I try to remember, and have faith, that things will get better in the future and that the sun will shine again. When times are good, I try to make sure I don’t get distracted from what is truly important to me. Well this is the ray of sunshine that Melani and I have been waiting for – and I just wanted to share some of it with you!
Above is a picture of the “little one”. People keep saying he/she looks just like me….. But I’ve got to tell you, right now, I’m struggling to see ANY resemblance…. Anyways, we’ve decided that we will be waiting to find out the gender of the baby until it’s born. Despite the fact that I am a self-proclaimed geek and the technology exists so we can know now if it is a boy or girl – we decided to wait since we welcome either a baby boy or baby girl with open arms.
We are starting to make a short list of potential names for the baby – so any input is welcome. The other day I floated the idea by Melani of calling our child “Proton” and she didn’t seem to be very receptive to that (at least that is how I interpreted her enthusiastic wrap on my noggin with her shoe). My feeling was that “Proton” connotes a vey positive and energetic demeanor – and who wouldn’t want to give their kid any positive boost they possibly could?!

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