The Williamsons:
When I prepare a new quarterly newsletter I always use the previous newsletter as a template. When I opened the July newsletter I thought for sure I must have gotten the April one by mistake – because Gracie looked so little in the last newsletter picture! She is growing everyday and has been babbling for several weeks. She now says“Da Da Da” and “Ma Ma” and sometimes she sounds almost like she is parroting us! My bet is that her first real word is going to be“Superfluous”. Don’t ask me why – I just have a feeling about this!
Gracie is sitting up herself now, almost crawling and becoming surprisingly fast with her hands (as some of the stains on the furniture & carpet can attest to) and at rolling over. She has 2 teeth (rather sharp I must say) and more shoes and closet space than me already! Melani decided to take a leave of absence from teaching and is at home with our little bundle of joy for the year. We took a short trip to Ocean City NJ in September for vacation. We were feeding Gracie her dinner on the bed in the Bed & Breakfast at which we were staying. After one of the first spoonfuls of her dinner she blew one of her very enthusiastic raspberries with her mouth and food went spraying all over the place. Mommy & Daddy made the grave mistake of spontaneously laughing at this and, not surprisingly, she continued doing the same thing for the rest of her dinner. We quickly realized what may be cute once could be a serious problem if it were to become a pattern. So at the next feeding we made a much better effort to suppress our laughter. We said “no” sternly to her a couple of times and she stopped (but looked at us with a very cute, albeit, puzzled face).
Melani and I have no official comment on the rampant rumor that number 2 may be in the “oven”.

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