The Williamsons:
Early Autumn was all about “cousins” and “pasta”! We loaded up the new minivan and made a grand trek (in Chevy Chase“Vacation” style) to a wedding we attended in September down in Pawley’s Island, South Carolina. As many of you know – I was apprehensive about going such a long distance with two little kids and spending an entire week in a beach house with my in-laws. All said and done – both Gracie and Dominick traveled very well, we had a wonderful vacation break, and I can honestly say that I like everyone even better than I did before we embarked on the “Big Brother” experiment of living together for a week. However, there was a brief period at a rest area in Virginia on the way home where one Williamson was “misplaced” for about 8 1/2 minutes (Thank you Trooper D’Angelo for your assistance!). OK – It was me who was hiding in the bathroom– but there is only so much of Barbara Milne’s songs I can take in one day! (Apple Apple, Ah Ah Ah, Baby Baby Ba Ba Ba… you get the idea…)
The week after the wedding we stayed at a huge beach house (6 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms) that Melani’s mother had rented for the entire family (Thank you very much Mom!). Gracie was in her glory getting to see and spend so much time with all of her cousins (now one of her favorite words). One day, while preparing for dinner, I made the mistake of telling Gracie that we were going to have pasta. For the next 45 minutes all the girl could say was “Pasta Pasta” (think Little Caesar’s pizza pizza) and “Pasta, pasta, pasta”. Cute for the first few minutes –not so much so as time went on. At one point Melani’s sister Lisa commented on how it was getting pretty “Old” – and I told her that in a week she would miss it. And sure enough a week after we returned I made a point of texting her “Pasta pasta pasta – miss it yet?” to which Lisa replied she did.

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