The Williamsons:
Looks like this will be the first year in three that we don’t welcome a new Williamson to the family (Dang! – I was really looking forward to another tax deduction this year.) Gracie started preschool this Fall. It was difficult for both Gracie & Mommy – but both seem to be adapting well now. It is kind of sad to see her spread her little wings and to think that we aren’t her entire world anymore…
Dominick definitely misses his sister /friend/ idol while she is gone. (Annie really doesn’t – she is glad to get the extra attention.) Dominick has also become quite the little “geek”. He love’s playing games on Mommy’s tablet and phone. (He calls it “de tablet.”) It is amazing how well he can navigate and get to the various games! Dominick has also begun to stutter a little right now. We aren’t too concerned – because Gracie did it too for about 6 weeks at the same age. Melani and I are very patient and just let him finish whatever he is saying no matter how long it takes. Gracie, on the other hand, told Dominick a few days ago – in no uncertain terms – that his stuttering was annoying. I quickly pulled Gracie aside and asked her if she knew who else used to stutter. She didn’t – and she went all quiet on me when I told her that she did.
Annie will be turning 1 year old in the middle of October. She has been walking for about two months already – and it is really surprising to see the change in her. She is small but very feisty! I was very impressed with her the other day when I saw Dominick trying to take his cup back from her (she is infamously known as the “Little Thief” in our family). Annie shrieked and pulled away from him – ending up with the cup in her possession! Mind you, Dominick is a head taller and 10 pounds heavier! He was stunned. This girl has got the whole “Shock & Awe” thing down pat! By necessity, she has quickly learned how to hold her own against the bigger monkeys in the house.
We took a little side trip to Lake George at the end of the Summer and took Gracie and Dominick miniature golfing for the first time. It was a lot of fun – and Gracie managed to get a hole-in-one! (OK – Dad was helping her putt the shot). With three active kids we have had to move to more of a “zone” defense as opposed to the man-to-man defense we have been accustomed to playing as of late. Challenging – but fun! Check out our YouTube channel if you are interested in seeing some new videos. Just search for chipomite or type in http://www.youtube.com/user/chipomite.

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