We had a wonderful summer and were fortunate to be able to spend some time up in Niagara Falls, Canada. It was the first time the kids have left the country – so they were excited!Â

We spent some time both @ Niagara Falls as well as Niagara-on-the-Lake, which is just a few miles away from the falls themselves. One of the hotels we stayed at had some really nice athletic facilities and gyms (multiple!). When we were exploring the facilities we discovered a squash / racquetball court. We were trying to explain the game to the kids – and they were all running around excitedly and playing. Well pretty soon – one lost track of where the glass wall was – and they crashed right into it! No serious injury – just a slightly damaged ego. Hum – I thought my kids were smart….. Apparently not as smart as I would like to believe – because over the next couple of minutes it happened not one more time – but two more times – with three of the four kids crashing into the glass!

Unbelievable! I seem to be able to teach the kids how to memorize the periodic table of elements – but am doing a VERY poor job of teaching them some really basic common sense & life skills!!! How am I going to incentivize them NOT to walk into immovable objects…. Some of them just might have a bright future as crash test dummies!
