Happy Birthday Annie!

Another Birthday for our wonderful little girl!
This is an annually updated post to celebrate Annie! There is also an annual photo gallery to recap her year as well.

2022: Happy 11th Birthday Annie!

Annie finally gets the chance to be the big kid! Annie is now in 6th grade and the senior class of her elementary school! I am happy for her – and hope she really enjoys the school year – and all the special events it brings this year.

Annie has been very buddy-buddy with Sophie this past year. It’s great to see them so close as sisters. Annie continues to really enjoy cooking and especially baking. Her commitment to opening a bakery in the future remains strong! Annie did well in soccer this past year – but I think she missed playing with Dominick.

Annie is also on a campaign to get a puppy…. Hum, not sure we, or they, are ready for that yet… Stay tuned!

We love you! Happy Birthday, Annie!


2021: Happy 10th Birthday Annie!

Annie has really blossomed over the last year. She is really enjoying soccer, baking and helping, particularly around the kitchen! She has been playing co-ed soccer in the 10-12 year-old league for a couple of months – even though she is just turning 10 today. She has been able to hold her own against the older kids really well – scoring several times so far this season.

Annie always seems to be one of the youngest ones in whatever she is involved in – because of when her birthday falls, and because she get’s pulled into things with one of her older siblings. She is also one of the youngest in her class – but in true Annie fashion – is doing very well with regards to her older peers.

When we watch TV in the evenings – Annie is always quick to volunteer to get dessert for everyone and serve us. Or, she might disappear if we are watching something she isn’t interested in – to go bake something on her own.

We love you so much, Little One!


2021 Pictures

2020: Happy 9th Birthday Annie!

Annie is a little DYNAMO! She is just bursting with energy and enthusiasm! True – sometimes I wish she would be a little bit better at DIRECTING all that energy – but she is still our little girl and we love her very much and are very proud of her!

Below are some new pictures of her since last year’s birthday! Please reach out to Annie and wish her a happy birthday! Thank you!

We love you Annie!


2020 Pictures

2019: Annie BanAnnie – The Force is strong in this one! 

Annie loves bunnies – and bunnies love carrots – hence the carrot cake shaped like a carrot! Another Cake Creation by Melani!

Happy Birthday to our little Energizer Bunny! She is 100% – all the time – until she isn’t! She only has 2 speeds = “Full On” and “Crashed”. We love the former “baby of the family” and love her enthusiasm & energy for life! She is passionate about all things bunnies and loves her artwork & being crafty! Happy Birthday to our smart & funny little girl!

2019 Pictures & Earlier

We love you!


Blessed father of 4 wonderful children & trophy husband to 1 lovely wife. Part-time blogger, full-time nerd & aspiring Renaissance man!

Articles: 207

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