Happy 14th Birthday Gracie!
February 12th, 2023
Yes – it has been somewhat of a challenging year – as we have heard the teen years can be. However, it also seems that we are all adapting to our new reality – at least until we have the next kid become an unpredictable teenager….
In many respects, Gracie had a great year. She is at the top of her class, had a fantastic season with cross-country, is still 3D printing, sewing quilts, and is still active with robotics club. She is also showing a little more interest in helping around the house and kitchen. She makes some awesome guacamole!
We still occasionally mistake her for a velociraptor – but not as often as last year.
It is a journey – and there have been some rough patches lately – but it is really exciting to see the young woman Gracie is becoming. We hope the metamorphosis doesn’t take too much longer – but we really have no control over that!
Even though Gracie is becoming a young woman – she is still, and will forever be, our little girl. We love her and are extremely proud of her!

Happy 13th Birthday Gracie! A TEENAGER!
February 12, 2022
OK, we love our little girl and are very proud of her – but she is a teenager now – and we are a little scared…. Especially since we have had some previews of what is in store for us. She HAS been a very easy kid – but we fear the piper has come for his due!
Gracie has made a fantastic transition to middle school! She has had a great year so far academically, with cross-country & the robotics club. We look forward to all the wonderful things she will do. She continues to be a maker at heart – always crafting, 3D printing, making contraptions and more.
We love you Gracie – and hope 13 is a magical year for you (and that we survive it….)!

Happy 12th Birthday Gracie!
February 12th, 2021
Wow! Almost a teen…..arghh….. It was a trying year for all of us this last year – but Gracie did a great job and made everything look easy! Unfortunately her nerd camp in Philadelphia was cancelled last year – but hopefully she will be able to attend this year. She is REALLY looking forward to that!
Gracie loves school, has been a great big sister to her siblings – and is helping around the house more and more. She has a sense of humor that is in line with her father’s – and is almost always the first one to laugh at my jokes!
We love you Gracie!

Happy 11th Birthday Gracie!
Posted 2/12/2020
Wow 11 years old! It scares me that the teen years are just a couple of years away!
Gracie is such a wonderful kid! She has really hit her stride in school! My money is on this one being either an engineer or scientist!
Gracie is also doing well at lacrosse, soccer and basketball, and is just overall a wonderful little person! Oh – and she is also an avid Syracuse fan!
Here is a little compilation of some pictures of her from this past year! We had a GREAT year with you Gracie & we are so proud & honored to be your parents!

Posted 2/12/2019
Today our little girl turned 10! Gracie, you have been an absolute blessing everyday since you were born! You are kind, smart, funny, athletic, an awesome big sister and a great helper! We are so proud to be your parents and love you more than words can express!

Here is a link to the quarterly newsletter right before her birth (January 2009) – and right after (April 2009). They sure do bring back a lot of wonderful memories!
Love, Mom & Dad
Aww, what a sweet and lovely post! Love seeing the photo compilation and progression of creativity. ❤