2022: Happy 6th Birthday, Sophie!
I can’t believe I forgot to post this until now! (October 14th, Annie’s birthday)
Sophie is growing like a weed! I think she will eventually be the tallest of the women in the house.
Sophie is now an avid reader! She is reading chapter books – and Bad Kitty are some of her favorites. She and Annie have been buddy-buddy this past year – and both really enjoy playing school and with the dollies.
I can’t believe that our baby is 6 years-old!
We love you, Sophie! (Sorry I posted this late!)

2021: Sophie Now 5 Years Old!
Our littlest one is FIVE! She still seems like our little baby – but as I tell the kids a lot – at 5 years-old Annie walked 11 miles one day & 12 the very next day while we were in Washington DC. Oh – and it was over 95° on those days! OK – true – Annie was on the back-end of 5 – but still….
Sophie is becoming more independent these days. She has, traditionally, been almost exclusively a growth on Melani’s side. However, she has been becoming a little more of my buddy lately – and I have been enjoying the extra time with her.
Sophie is very much into the YouTube channel 123 Go, makeup, dolls and coloring. She is also a big fan of puzzles and is impressively good at helping fold clothes!
We Love you Sophie and are looking forward to an exciting year with you!

2020: Now 4 Years Old!
Wow! Now she is 4!! Sophie continues to grow by leaps & bounds! In the last few weeks she has progressed to riding a bike (with training wheels), swimming in a lake with a life vest, creeping along a pool – holding onto the side, and being able to completely pull herself out of the pool – by pulling herself up and out over the side!
Sophie continues to be an energetic and curious child – that is definitely NOT afraid to march to the beat of her own drum!
We love you Sophie, and are so proud to be your parents!

2019: Happy 3rd Birthday Sophie!
Our baby turns 3 today!
Seems like just 3 years ago (definitely not yesterday) we were welcoming our youngest into the family (maybe because it was three years ago)!
Sophie has both fit right into our family and helped shape it. She has been a true blessing – and made the journey a lot more fun and interesting for everyone!

We love you Sophie!