4th Quarter 2022
In a former life (before being married with kids) I was quite the traveler. However, it has been many years since I have been able to really plan a BIG trip where we/I set out to see a lot of…
Inspired parents sharing the joys & adventures of the parenthood journey!
Inspired parents sharing the joys & adventures of the parenthood journey!
In a former life (before being married with kids) I was quite the traveler. However, it has been many years since I have been able to really plan a BIG trip where we/I set out to see a lot of…
Nobody likes investment losses – however, they are a reality that investors must occasionally face when investing. The objective of tax-loss harvesting is simply to use any unrealized losses that have been incurred to improve the overall tax position of…
Daily Price Comparison of The Poconos WaterParks: Great Wolf Lodge vs Kalahari vs Aquatopia. Which is the Cheapest & When? Which Poconos Water Park is the Best Value? Rooms Conclusions Methodology Tips for Saving Money Analysis Related Posts The Poconos…
Funny Story about our “Best Poconos WaterPark” Post The other day we met up at the park with some out-of-town friends. Let’s just call them Kate & Justin. Kate was telling me that they were doing some research to decide…
A bear market is typically defined by a market that is down 20% or more from recent highs. As I write this, we are in a bear market, with the S&P 500 index down over 21% and the NASDAQ down…