KIDS’ CORNER: Check out the kids’ blog pages!
Here the kids take a shot at developing their blogging skills!
View PostKIDS’ CORNER: Check out the kids’ blog pages!Inspired parents sharing the joys & adventures of the parenthood journey!
Inspired parents sharing the joys & adventures of the parenthood journey!
So first off, here are a few necessities for mining: How to make a furnace: First, mine for cobblestone ( Mine at least 7 layers down.) Second, make a crafting table. (3 blocks of wood.) Then, craft a furnace. How…
May 20th, 2019: Releasing butterflies, digging ditches, squishy toy phobias & celebrating birthdays! Thursday I left work a little early – so Melani & I could go to the DMV to get our Enhanced Licenses – in preparation for our…
Just a little quiz to keep the kids on their toes! Give it a shot – it might be a little trickier than you expect!