April is here – and with that comes Spring flowers, taxes, warmer weather and a stork visit for the Williamsons! Yes – by the time you read this we will probably have already welcomed number two into the fold. We still don’t know the gender at this point and likely have some haggling to do on the names (at least if it is a boy).
Gracie is still not walking. We may be a little bit guilty of actually discouraging her from doing so – because we figure she has the rest of her life to walk. But the main reason is simply that she is just such a cute crawler! She is proving to be very fast on all fours – so we are a little apprehensive about her walking and RUNNING around! Gracie is definitely devoting all of her developmental energies on her language skills. Her favorite word is clock. Anytime she spots a clock (or a scale in the Giant grocery store) she points and animatedly exclaims “Glock, Glock, Glock!”
I had a business trip to Santa Barbara in February and got Gracie a little sock puppet lion that was named Elijah as a souvenir. Melani and I said the name a couple of times in passing – without thinking much of it. Then one day Gracie saw Elijah “sleeping” on my dresser. She pointed to him and said “Elijah” just as clear as day. Melani and I were dumbfounded that she even knew his name let alone the clarity with which she pronounced it! It really makes me hope that Gracie doesn’t remember any other words she might have heard my neighbor use when I accidentally dropped the grill on his toes the other day. I would be mortified if she spontaneously uttered any of those words in church or in front of company… I’m sure we are going to have some embarrassing parental moments like that in the future – but I just consider them fodder for future newsletters!

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