The Williamsons:

We went down to Florida to spend some time with my father and his wife in February. It was tough to fit a trip in – with the impending move of our offices to our new location on Front Street – but we haven’t been down there for years and were really looking forward to a visit. Gracie and Dominick had a great time swimming in the pool and spending time with Capt’n & Ganma!
Gracie was swimming without me holding her for the first time (she had floatees on) and even ventured into the deep end by herself. Dominick tried to follow – but he needed me a little closer to him. I think I confused the kids because I kept telling them while we were in the pool that when we returned to New York we were going to build a snowman! (I must admit that I was half hoping that there would not be any more snow and that spring would arrive early). We also spent a few days down at Disneyworld with my high school buddy Kurt and his wonderful family. It was truly priceless to see Gracie’s face as we entered the park and she got her birthday button. While the children may have been a little young for the Disney experience – Mom and Dad had a wonderful time! (especially considering all the help that Kurt and his family gave us.) They were always there to hold a child, push a stroller and carry a diaper bag. And there was only the one incident when Melani and I looked at each other and all of the children were occupied with Kurt, Gail & Kiersten – and we bolted to Splash Mountain for a ride (or two). When I looked over my shoulder as I ran, I thought I saw just a hint of doubt in Kurt’s eyes as to whether we would actually return to claim the kids…. (We did… eventually). Great friendships always seem to get better with time – and we always enjoy our time with Kurt and his family! Gracie just turned 3 in February, Dominick turns 2 this month and Annie is pulling up the rear @ just 6 months. Check out our YouTube channel if you are interested in seeing some new videos. Just search for chipomite or type in

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