The Williamsons:
Some BIG news for the Williamsons! Yes – the cat is out of the bag – there is another one in the womb! Please check out our video announcement – if you get a chance. Some people watched the video and thought we were getting a dog! I assured them – we were not getting any pets – until we “finalized” the human count of the family first! It was fun making the video – considering we got the children to participate – without them even knowing what they were doing. When we finally told them Gracie was a little disappointed that she was going to have another sibling, rather than a dog. We have no intention of finding out what gender the baby will be before it is born – so we are simply referring to him/her as Bro-sis or Sis-bro for the time being. The baby’s arrival date is slated for the first week of September.
We’ve also been really enjoying the run that Syracuse is making at the national title in men’s basketball. I love the scrappiness of my alma mater’s team and when March Madness lasts into April for me! I am writing this – right before the big weekend. Hopefully Syracuse will prevail!
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