While we have been waiting for the nicer weather to arrive we have been keeping ourselves busy with indoor activities.
Basketball wrapped up for Gracie and Dominick in early March. Both had a lot of fun and learned a lot this year. Gracie’s team had a final game against the parents. I had no idea what to expect – but was pleasantly surprised by the entire experience! The parents put on a good show – despite the very biased officiating (very funny – the ref had no intention of letting the parents walk away with a win!). But at the end of the day– we came up 1 point shy of a victory. I had 8 points and was called for goal tending once. Gracie played well and did a great job of dribbling and passing – but no baskets. Basically – whenever our kid was in – we could play. It was a lot of fun – and it was great to see the kids play hard and be rewarded with a win! There was a little party for everyone afterwards – and I’m not going to deny it – there was some strategy talk by the parents for next year’s game….

We’ve also been spending a lot of time on engineering and robotics activities. Soon enough soccer will be starting – and we will be back outside!