Hi everyone! This is Gracie here – and this is my page!! If you click on the button below you can see all my posts!
My YouTube Channel
February 7th, 2020
As you might already know, I have a YouTube channel. It’s called GracieBug. Check it out here. On GracieBug, I do a variety of different things. Also, check out my dad’s channel, Chipomite. We post new videos every so often. 😊😎🐞
November 3rd, 2019 Post
This was something that I wrote back in September!
Practice Makes Perfect
By Grace
Long ago, there was a nice and graceful young Ladybug. She had a loving family of her mom, her dad and 5 younger siblings who always cheered her on. Ladybug loved to hang out with her competitive friends, Crow, Humming Bird and Rabbit. Her best friend Squirrel loved to judge all of their contests and came up with the contest ideas. One beautiful spring morning, Ladybug went into the forest to play with her friends. Right when she got there, Rabbit said
“I have an announcement to make. We will have a flying contest for all those who can fly.” Ladybug saw the doubtful looks on her friends faces but she heard her family cheering her on.
“I can do this.” she says. Ladybug is confident. Right then she started practicing. Before long, Rabbit said
“Let the race begin.” Crow, Humming Bird, and Ladybug took off. She flapped her wings harder and harder. Soon, she could see the finish line. She then flew past the finish line and landed. All of her ladybug friends and family erupted in cheer. She could smell her victory dinner of aphids.
The lesson in this story is to never give up.
July 8th, 2019 POST:
Play Online With Me! As you might already know, I play Minecraft and Roblox. Hear are my usernames so you can find me:
Minecraft: LadybugGirl111
Roblox: TheGracieBug111W
Just so you know, you won’t see me in Minecraft yet because I can’t play online servers. My dad and I will try to fix it so I can play with you guys in Minecraft. Also if you want me to friend you in Roblox, friend request me and I will accept it. Then, go to the place where you could chat with your friend and tell me if you watch my YouTube channel or read my blog so I know you are not a stranger. Thank you for reading this post!