Gracie Swimming Dominick Waves “Hi”!
Welcome Dominick James Williamson! Dominick was born on April 10th, about 9:47 pm – so it was just days before that we had published our last newsletter (and hence the announcement of his birth just missed the deadline). Stats: -Pretty much the same as with Gracie – he was smaller when he was born and now he is bigger. Hard to believe that he is already three months old!
We are adjusting to having a newborn around again (read that – we are not really sleeping that much). Dominick’s idea of a “good time” right now is puking on Mom & Dad (pretty much hourly) & only occasionally smiling & cooing. Gracie is running around now and we are getting her into a routine which includes some “chores”. Every night before we take her up for her bath we make her help clean up her toys and put her dirty cloths down the laundry shoot. I know that very soon I am probably going to regret showing her the laundry shoot – because we are bound to find much more than just clothing being put down it!
Gracie’s vocabulary continues to increase daily. She can’t quite say Dominick – so she has nick-named her little brother “Doc”. Along with her growing vocabulary is my growing realization that this kid, in all likelihood, is going to be smarter than me by the time she is 6 (and probably smarter than my wonderful wife Melani by the time she is 11). Gracie already recognizes and can say a few letters of the alphabet (G and W are two of her favorites) and a couple of numbers. She can make almost any animal noise she is asked to (including a flatulence sound when asked what noise Uncle Steve makes) and she just started saying her own name.
The other day she walked off with my cell phone. I didn’t really think anything of it until I heard her ringing up someone. I leapt over the coffee table and was greatly relieved that it was just my younger sister Megan that Gracie had somehow managed to auto dial, and not a client or business associate to whom I would have to explain a relatively early Sunday morning call. Since then she has actually texted my sister twice using Melani’s phone – one time it was just gobbledygook and the other time she texted Megan the pre-typed message “What’s up?” I really don’t understand how she manages to continue to get Megan – from two different phones – and does so with both text and the phone. So beware – if you get any strange calls from me – it might actually be Gracie calling you!

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