The Williamsons:

We had a lot of rain in the early part of June. One rainy day I was on my way home and as I turned on to our street – I noticed a very colorful little procession on the sidewalk. At first I didn’t recognize them. But then I realized it was Melani and my little brood of ankle-biters – all in line carrying their character umbrellas and wearing their winter boots! (Melani actually took the video, from which I snapped these shots, right before they left the house)
Dominick has recently realized that he has benefited TREMENDOUSLY from the “Relative Comparison Effect”. Anyone who has had multiple children is familiar with the concept – but probably just too polite to talk about it. Annie, Annie, Annie – where do I start? The kid is 20 months old – but bound & determined to keep up with her older siblings! She requires constant CLOSE supervision! Dominick’s prior antics pale in comparison to what Annie puts us through on a daily basis – and hence – make him seem like the “Golden Boy” (So relative to Annie – Dominick seems very very good these days!).
A couple of weeks ago when we were packing up the kids to head out somewhere I told Melani that I would have everyone outside with me except for “one too many”. Of course, Melani chastised me –but even she would admit she knew exactly who I was referring to (Annie). Seriously we love them all and I am sure that Annie will be the easiest one of all by the time she gets to High School (at least I keep telling myself that)….
Not much planned for the summer. Just want to get outside as much as we can. Lots of trips to the local parks, maybe some hiking and working around the house on our outside projects. Check out our YouTube channel if you are interested in seeing some new videos. Just search for chipomite or type in

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