The Williamsons:
Exciting times in our household! Gracie received her First Communion in May and did a great job greeting the entire church before Mass. She also participated in the Liturgy of the Word by reading some of the prayers of the faithful. She was so brave, calm & collected up there!
All 3 of the older kids helped setup for the St. Joe’s Bazaar this year. I was proud of them for contributing to the effort and taking some initiative in setting up the food booths and the fencing around the event. That was neat – because when I was a kid (just about their age & a student @ Saint Joe’s School) – I used to help set up too.
Gracie and Dominick are playing soccer in the 7 & 8 year old league (same team) – while Annie is making her debut in the 5 & 6 year old league. Mild-mannered Dominick – transforms into Mr. Aggressive when he is on the field! He has even picked up a few nicknames – like “The Dominator” – from the coach. Gracie has proven to be much more confident this year and is getting some opportunities to show off her dribbling skills. And Annie, although reluctant at first – seems to enjoy having this new outlet for her limitless energy and even scored a goal the other day!
Sophie – where do I begin! She has truly been a blessing to our family! She is eating solid foods, seems determined to skip right over the crawling phase and is jibber jabbering all the time. But one of the funniest things she does – is rock herself in the car seat when it is on the ground. Out of all of the kids – she is the only one that has done this! It’s really funny when she gets stuck in the upright (or upside down) position! It is good to have a baby in the house again!!
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