We played the dictionary game the other day – and we all (except Sophie) made 4 questions. These are all “SAT” type vocabulary words. You might find some humor in some of the wrong definitions!
Total of 20 questions. There is only 1 correct answer for each question and 3 incorrect answers! Answer them all to the best of your abilities – and then hit the “Finished – Please Grade Me!” button at the end!
Good luck!

That was NOT a passing score!
Hum…. Maybe a little too much TV and not enough reading…..
#1. Relegate
Chip Fooled You!
#2. Reprove
Chip Fooled You!
#3. Repudiate
Chip Fooled You!
#4. Repel
Chip Fooled You!
#5. Extricate
Annie Fooled You!
#6. Inconsequential
Annie Fooled You!
#7. Illusory
Annie Fooled You!
#8. Prone
Annie Fooled You!
#9. Rancor
Gracie Fooled You!
#10. Quell
Gracie Fooled You!
#11. Quandary
Gracie Fooled You!
#12. Provincial
Gracie Fooled You!
#13. Reprimand
Melani Fooled You!
#14. Renounce
Melani Fooled You!
#15. Remorse
Melani Fooled You!
#16. Regimen
Melani Fooled You!
#17. Proximity
Dominick Fooled You!
#18. Prudent
Dominick Fooled You!
#19. Prosaic
Dominick Fooled You!
#20. Proponent
Dominick Fooled You!
Apologies for taking so long to get back to you! The quiz is all fixed and working beautifully. I managed to get a 17 out of 20. 🙂
The quiz seems to be missing . . . which is a pity since I looked forward to giving it a go! 🙂
Jaya – Sorry about that – There does seem to be an issue that shows up on the desktop. I am working to resolve it – since I anticipate doing more of these. I may have to change plugins….
Jaya, I believe I fixed it. Please give it a shot at your convenience! Thank you! Chip